A new year has begun and a new corps of officers has been installed to lead the lodge this year. We have a new secretary and treasurer as well. Please make sure you set aside at least a few third Saturday evenings this year to come to lodge and enjoy the company of your brethren.
Edenton Lodge #332
Next meeting
Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM
January, 2023
October 2022
This month's meeting was a disappointment. If it hadn't been for two visitors we would not have had enough to open lodge. That hasn't happened for quite some time. It especially does not bode well for next month, when we will have our annual election. Please plan to attend this special night.
August, 2022
I apologize for skipping a couple of months but I am now back on track. Here are a few tidbits from our August meeting. We completed the first of two Master Mason degrees toward satisfying our code requirements for the year. Our other degrees are in the books. We had a pancake breakfast at Stonelick Lake on July 6 and donations surpassed any we've done before. The folks in the campground are always very generous. We did have some damage to the lodge from a fallen tree last month but insurance is going to cover repairs which should start this week. We have two sets of four each of red seats from the old Cinergy field (Riverfront Stadium) that are for sale, the proceeds of which will go into our relief fund. Other than that it has been a quiet summer. We are still having dinner at 6 PM before our stated meetings, which start at 7 PM. Come out and join us.
May, 2022
Our May stated meeting was fairly well attended with 11 in attendance. We had a dinner of grilled hotdogs and metts, with potato chips, and potato and macaroni salads. Going forward, we will have dinners before our stated meetings at 6 PM so we won't be at lodge so late in the future. Besides the regular business we voted to donate $100 to the Job's Daughters mini golf outing, and we will have a pancake breakfast at the Stonelick Lake campground on July 16 from 8 to 11:30. We also had 2 sets of 4 seats from the old Riverfront stadium to hopefully sell to make some money for our relief fund. We will also have a Fellowcraft degree at our June stated meeting to help satisfy our degree requirement for this year. I hope to see more of you at our next meeting.
April, 2022
Greetings, brethren. Our April stated meeting was well attended with some brethren who haven't visited for a while. We had a brother complete his degree work at the one day class in Cincinnati on March 26. We have two more who are interested in completing their degree work at the one day class scheduled for April 30 at Russellville lodge. The lodge recently formed a visitation committee to visit our shut-ins and widows to let them know that the lodge is thinking of them and can provide help if necessary. The Master set April 28 at 7:00 PM to do a Fellowcraft degree so we can get moving on our degree requirements for this year. We may also be the recipients of a couple of 4 seat sections from Riverfront stadium that we can use to raise funds for our relief fund. More on that later. I hope to see you at the May stated meeting on the twenty first.
December, 2021
What a year, right? It has been a while since this blog was updated and that is going to be corrected now. The lodge had its annual election of officers and they were installed on December 17. See at right for the list. Covid has put a damper on lodge activities but, if all goes well, things will pick up. We just voted on a new petition and we will confer an Entered Apprentice degree at our January stated meeting. Also, John McCollum received his 80-year service award on November 16. The Grand Master made the presentation.
John McCollum receiving his 80-year service award from MWB Timothy Wheeland |
July, 2021
The summer is a slow time at lodge usually. We do have one candidate receiving his degrees. Also, you will be receiving your dues notices shortly. Those of you who have them will be receiving them through your email addresses. Those who don't will receive them through the mail. Both will be sent out by Grand Lodge as a way to help the lodges with dues collection. There will also be an online method of paying your dues. Rest assured that the lodge receives all money paid by you. Donations will be given as you direct. So, have a good summer and since we don't go dark come to lodge if you can.