Next meeting

The next stated meeting of Edenton Lodge #332 will be on January 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. We will have a meal at 6:00 PM.

Edenton #332 Lodge Hall

Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM

April update

RWB Norm Mick, Bro. Michael Howard, WBro. John McCollum and WBro. Scott Johnson
March 24 was a memorable date for Edenton Lodge.  John McCollum received what very few Masons have received, a 70 year service award.  RWBro. Norm Mick, Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio was on hand to present this and other awards at the lodge's annual Awards and Widow's night.  A fine meal was served at 6:00 and all enjoyed good fellowship before proceeding upstairs for the award presentations.  Along with John's 70 year award, Bro. Ernie Brummett received his 50 year service award and WBro. Dwayne Bicknell and Bro. Michael Howard received 25 year awards.  I'll post more pictures when I receive them.
At our March meeting we received a petition for degrees and we should vote on it at the April 21 meeting.  This will mean degree work and that always makes for an enjoyable time at lodge.  Join us if you can.  More later.
Bro. Earnie Brummett receiving his 50 year award from RWBro. Mick with his son, grand daughter and great grandson looking on.