Next meeting
The next stated meeting of Edenton Lodge #332 will be on January 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. We will have a meal at 6:00 PM.
Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM
October, 2016
Our October meeting saw the return of a Master Mason proficiency and a new petition voted on. The petition was accepted and we will have an entered apprentice degree at 6:00 PM before our stated meeting on November 19. Remember, this is also our annual meeting, which means dues are due and it is the election of officers. Since there was not much business to cover, it was a short meeting. The Grand Lodge session legislative results were gone over. The biggest surprise to me is they voted to allow lodges to rent out their banquet rooms to groups that serve alcohol. There are restrictions, however. Learn more at lodge. Also, we just learned that the Grand Master can be at our November meeting to give out service awards. There will be a dinner and ceremony between our Entered Apprentice degree and the stated meeting. John McCollum will receive his 75 year award, Fred Kuhnhenn will receive his 65 year award and Charles Gregory will receive his 60 year award. It will be an open ceremony so spouses and guests are invited. Other service award recipients are also invited. See you at lodge.
September, 2016
The weather did not cooperate with us for the outdoor raising so we performed the degree at the lodge. We now have a new Master Mason among us. We also received a new petition at our stated meeting and we should vote on him in October. It is also coming up on dues collection season. Look for your dues invoice in the mail in the coming couple of weeks. The dues are still $55 and are due November 19. Please pay them promptly and save the lodge excess postage. In with the invoice will be your permanent dues card. An explanation will be enclosed with it. it will be activated as soon as your dues are paid. As far as any other business there wasn't much. Come out to lodge and welcome our newer members and visit with the rest of your brethren.
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