Next meeting
The next stated meeting of Edenton Lodge #332 will be on January 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. We will have a meal at 6:00 PM.
Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM
August, 2019
We were honored that RWB Welch visited with us. We were also glad to welcome our newest Master Mason. He completed his degree work at the Grand Master's class earlier in the day. We also exemplified the Fellowcraft degree to help fulfill our code requirements for the year. Our pancake breakfast this morning was well attended and we were able to make a little money through donations. We voted on a petition and the gentleman was elected to receive the degrees. His Entered Apprentice degree will be on August 22 at 7:00 PM. We also discussed our annual outdoor raising and found that the usual site needs a lot of work to get it back in shape, which we will do. But next month our Senior Warden said we could use a spot on his property to hold the outdoor degree. We will request the dispensation and hopefully be outside next month. If the weather turns bad we will meet at the lodge. Invite other brethren who might want to come and be with us.
July, 2019
The major thing from our July meeting is that we received a petition. The lodge is also going to have another pancake breakfast at Stonelick Lake August 17 from 8 - 11 AM. It will be at the campground. This is also the day of the Grand Master's one day class at CNE middle school.
June, 2019
I am really late with this update and I apologize. There are just a couple of items I would like to mention. We had an awards and widows night at the lodge on July 13, a pancake breakfast at Stonelick Lake on July 6, and we will hold an EA degree at 6 PM before our stated meeting in July. We also plan on having another pancake breakfast on August 17 at Stonelick.
May, 2019
The officers exemplified a Fellowcraft degree at our stated meeting. We will be doing degrees at stated meetings whether we have a candidate or not so we can meet Grand Lodge code requirements. On July 6 we will be at Stonelick Lake for our first pancake breakfast of the year. We will serve from 8:30 to 10. We are again going to support the Ohio Special Olympics by donating some money. We also have a widow and brother in need so we are going to do our best to help them, too. Work is going to start on repairing the lodge roof. It is in need of some repair after ti was damaged by a fallen tree this year. The damage could have been much worse. At our next stated meeting we will be doing a Master Mason degree so please come out and support your lodge.
April, 2019
Our meeting was not well attended. We had enough to open, but that was all. Gary Conn, of Amelia #590, donated to the lodge a set of altar lights to the lodge in memory of WB Al Cloke. They need to be finished and wired for lights and they will be ready for use. We have some issues with the lodge hall that the trustees are in the process of addressing. To make sure we meet all code requirements this year we will be starting to do some degree work. We will be doing the Fellowcraft degree at our stated meeting in May. July 6 we will behaving another pancake breakfast at Stonelick Lake. I hope we can see more of you at our next meeting.
March, 2019
Now that the inspection is over it is time to concentrate on other degrees and activities for the year. Our Worshipful Master has several activities planned and we will announce them as soon as they are scheduled. One thing on our agenda is we are going to have a pancake breakfast at the Stonelick Lake campground on July 6 from 8 - 11 AM. If you want to help that would be great but definitely make plans to come out and eat some pancakes. Any money we make will go into the general fund for charitable purposes. It is with sadness that we report the death of RWB Darvin Rudd. He was a very active Mason, not only in our district, but in others as well. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. I look forward to seeing our brethren at the April meeting.
February, 2019
Our inspection has come and gone and the officers did a good job. It was unfortunate some of our officers could not be there but we were able to cover for them. The inspection report was mostly favorable and with the worst of the rain holding off until the meeting was under way parking was not as big an issue as it could have been. Now that the inspection is behind us for the year we can concentrate on having an active year. Remember, we meet at 7 PM now instead of 8. Hope to see you at lodge.
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