Edenton Lodge's inspection has been rescheduled for March 8 at 7:00 PM. The lodge is having issues in getting enough members to help with the Master Mason degree. Due to the pandemic and the uncertainty around what is safe and when it will be safe to associate with others again, this is understandable. If you can help please rest assured the lodge is taking precautions to keep it's members safe. Still, if you don't feel well and/or don't feel safe coming to lodge, please stay home.
Next meeting
Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM
Inspection announcement - updated 1/30/2021
January 2021
We were able to have a stated meeting January 16. Time will tell whether we will have a February meeting. Please note that meetings are for members only for the foreseeable future. We had one brother return his Master Mason exam in a fine manner and we installed the officers for this year. The list of officers is on the right side of this page. We discussed our upcoming inspection on January 29 at 7:00 PM. Since we will be doing the Master Mason degree we will need a few more parts filled. Any help will be appreciated. See Special Meetings for practice dates and times. If you have not done it yet please register on the Grand Lodge's database, Grandview. The instructions are listed in the previous post. You can update your information and see correspondence from Grand Lodge. We were given a rundown on Sixth District events scheduled for the coming year, subject to Covid restrictions, of course, which included a family picnic, golf outing, and other activities. I will list them in future posts when the new officers are elected and installed. The Lodge Education Officer presented a program on Benjamin Franklin, an American founding father and active Freemason, whose birthday is January 17. Pray for your lodge brethren and our country.