Greetings, Brethren. 2012 is almost upon us and with it a new Masonic year. There will be a lot happening in the coming months. We have a member due to receive his 70 year pin, two members due their 60 year pins and some who will receive 50 year pins. As soon as a date is set you will receive a notice from the lodge if you are to receive one of these awards. Our inspection in the Master Mason degree will be on February 24. Dinner will be at 6:00 and the meeting will start at 7:00. And don't forget our next stated meeting on January 21, 2012. I hope to see you there.
Next meeting
The next stated meeting of Edenton Lodge #332 will be on January 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. We will have a meal at 6:00 PM.
Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM
Installation, 2011
The installation of officers was held on December 10 at 2:00. RWBro. T. Mark Liggett was the installing officer. All the officers were installed except the Junior Warden, Junior Deacon and the Chaplain. They will be installed later. We had a good turnout to see the new officers installed. Attached are some pictures.
Come and join us at our next stated meeting on December 17. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Scott Johnson, Worshipful Master for 2012 |
Our Worshipful Master with PDDGM T. Mark Liggett |
Installation of officers for 2012 |
Scott Johnson, Senior Steward Bob Johnson, Scott's father and trustee John McCollum, a 70 year member of Edenton Lodge |
The Worshipful Master and family |
Kaylie Neal, daughter of our Senior Deacon, Shaun Neal, who was presented a Masonic teddy bear for helping with some of our events last year. |
November Meeting
The November meeting of Edenton Lodge saw the election of the officers who will serve for the coming year. The Worshipful Master-elect, Scott Johnson, has set December 10 at 2:00 PM as an open installation of officers. All the brethren and their families and friends are invited. Scott will then be ready to assume the regular duties of Worshipful Master at the next stated meeting on December 17. Come out and join us. At that meeting we will have inspection cards for the upcoming inspection season. Our inspection will be on February 24 in the Master Mason degree. Dinner will be at 6 PM with the degree at 7 PM. Also, check your dues card. If it still says 2011 then you need to pay your dues as soon as possible.
October Meeting
The October meeting has come and gone. We missed you if you weren't there. Worshipful Brothers Al and Pat Cloke reported on the happenings at Grand Lodge. Kevin B. Todd is the new Grand Master, Vern Wagoner is the new District Deputy Grand Master for the Sixth District and Barry Kirschner is the newest District Education Officer. Congratulations go out to all the brethren chosen to lead and represent the Grand Lodge of Ohio in the coming year. They also reported that there are now 5 lodges in Ohio with less than 50 members. The Grand Lodge itself is down to less than 102,000 members state-wide. Our Senior Warden, Scott Johnson, sat in for the Worshipful Master and announced that our inspection will be on February 24, 2012, in the Master Mason degree. Brethren, start thinking on a part you would like to do and let the Master know. The dues notices have been sent out and dues have started coming in. Please respond quickly if you can. We remitted a number of dues last year but due to rising expenses we may not be able to do as many. Certainly, if you cannot pay please let us know and they will be taken care of. We then took care of all the other business coming before the lodge and had a good time in the lower hall afterwards.
Looking forward, we will be doing an Entered Apprentice degree at 6:00 PM before our next stated meeting on November 19. That stated meeting is our annual meeting which means the election of officers and dues are due. Come out and join us. I am sure the stewards will have some delicious refreshments for us.
Looking forward, we will be doing an Entered Apprentice degree at 6:00 PM before our next stated meeting on November 19. That stated meeting is our annual meeting which means the election of officers and dues are due. Come out and join us. I am sure the stewards will have some delicious refreshments for us.
September meeting
The outdoor degree and meeting was held on September 17 at Charlotte Back's place. We had 30 brethren come and be with us. Terry Hensley, the Sixth District president and RWBro. Mark Liggett, who received an honorary membership to Edenton Lodge, were 2 of the visitors there. We had a pro tem candidate, Tyler Crosby, from Wilmington lodge. We thank him for doing this for us. Bob Evans and John Sturgis did the grilling and manned the deep fryer. We had hamburgers, hotdogs, fresh Crappie and all the fixin's for a great meal that was enjoyed by all, as you can see from the above photo.
Dues notices will be sent out shortly because, believe it or not, the Masonic year is almost over. Grand Lodge will be on October 14 and 15 and the election of officers will be at our meeting on November 19. That is also when dues are due. Please pay them as soon as possible, if you can. If you can't, let us know. So come on out to your lodge and enjoy the fellowship you can only experience in lodge.
August news
Summer is ending and Fall is just around the corner. Lodges will be gearing up for the new Masonic year, ours included. Dues notices will be going out after the next meeting and new officers will be elected in November. The next stated meeting will be on September 17 at 10:00 AM at Charlotte Back's property. A map is linked on the right side of this page. We did this last year and had a good turnout. We will do a Master Mason degree, have lunch and conduct the regular business of the lodge, which includes bestowing an honorary membership on Right Worshipful Brother T. Mark Liggett. Come on out and have a good time in the woods.
July News
The July meeting has come and gone with the lodge growing by another Master Mason. We conferred the MM degree on a candidate prior to our July stated meeting. Some items of interest from the stated meeting are: the lodge will be having a pancake breakfast at the campgrounds of Stonelick Lake on August 6 at 8:00 AM. Come on out for breakfast and then stop in at the antique machinery show at the beach area of the lake. The lodge has also asked for a dispensation to hold our stated meeting in September at Charlotte Back's place to do an outdoor raising. These are always fun events. More later.
June news
I'm sorry for the late post but the lodge is hosting a family night on June 29 at 6:30 PM. Bring yourself, family and friends for some fun and fellowship. Also, July 10 (yes, a Sunday) will hopefully see a Master Mason degree at 2:00 PM. Come on out and support your lodge. Visitors are more than welcome, too.
Congratulations, Delbert
On June 4, 2011, Right Worshipful Brother Delbert Martin Jr. received his 65 year service award at the annual Awards and Widow's night at the lodge. Dinner was served beforehand and the Worshipful Master presided over the festivities. Right Worshipful Brother T. Mark Liggett was on hand to represent the Grand master in presenting this award. Also presented that night was a 40 year service pin to Worshipful Brother Jerry Ross. Certificates were presented to some of the ladies who helped with the inspection dinner and flowers were presented to the widows who graced us with their presence. A good time was had by all.
May meeting
The May 2011 meeting has come and gone. We had a candidate return his Fellowcraft proficiency and is now ready to take the Master Mason degree. We will have a special meeting at 6:00 PM on June 18, prior to our stated meeting, to confer the degree on him. The Worshipful Master is also planning a table lodge for June 25 at 6:00 PM. I hope to see many brethren there.
April meeting recap
At the April stated meeting several items were discussed. We had a FC give back his proficiency and will have a Master Mason degree coming up soon. Juen 4 will be the annual Awards and Widow's night with dinner at 6:00PM. The Worshipful Master is going to be setting some work days because the old lodge hall is in need of some sprucing up. May 21 is the Sixth District golf outing. Call the secretary if you would like an entry form or more information. May 22 is the Sixth District picnic in Bethel at Burke Park. There will be plenty of food. And remember, our next stated meeting is May 21 at 8:00PM. I hope to see you there.
Inspection Time!!
At the March meeting Bro. Tudor gave back his proficiency and is ready to be our candidate in the Fellowcraft degree at our inspection on March 30. Dinner will be at 6:00 PM and the lodge will open at 7:00 PM. If you haven't been to lodge in a while this is a good excuse to come. And remember, our stated meeting in April will be on the 16th at 8:00 PM.
March news
February is almost gone and March is around the corner. Our pre-inspection is March 10 and our inspection will be Wednesday, March 20. Dinner will be at 6:00 and the work will start at 7:00. We will be conferring the Fellowcraft degree on our most recent candidate. Also, don't forget the stated meeting on March 19 at 8:00. Hope to see you there.
January news
The Entered Apprentice degree was conferred on January 15. We should now have a candidate ready for our inspection, which will be on March 30 in the Fellowcraft degree. The lodge is also going to have a family dinner on January 18 at 6:00 PM. If you can make it please join us at the lodge. Other dinners will be scheduled throughout the year. Also, check your dues card. If it says 2010 on it you have not paid your dues. Please send them in as soon as you can or let us know if you cannot pay. And remember, our next meeting will be February 19. Hope to see you there.
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