Next meeting

The next stated meeting of Edenton Lodge #332 will be on January 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. We will have a meal at 6:00 PM.

Edenton #332 Lodge Hall

Edenton #332 Lodge Hall
Welcome to our site. Stated meetings are the third Saturday of every month at 7:00 PM

October Meeting

The October meeting has come and gone.  We missed you if you weren't there.  Worshipful Brothers Al and Pat Cloke reported on the happenings at Grand Lodge.  Kevin B. Todd is the new Grand Master, Vern Wagoner is the new District Deputy Grand Master for the Sixth District and Barry Kirschner is the newest District Education Officer.  Congratulations go out to all the brethren chosen to lead and represent the Grand Lodge of Ohio in the coming year.  They also reported that there are now 5 lodges in Ohio with less than 50 members.  The Grand Lodge itself is down to less than 102,000 members state-wide.  Our Senior Warden, Scott Johnson, sat in for the Worshipful Master and announced that our inspection will be on February 24, 2012, in the Master Mason degree.  Brethren, start thinking on a part you would like to do and let the Master know.  The dues notices have been sent out and dues have started coming in.  Please respond quickly if you can.  We remitted a number of dues last year but due to rising expenses we may not be able to do as many.  Certainly, if you cannot pay please let us know and they will be taken care of.  We then took care of all the other business coming before the lodge and had a good time in the lower hall afterwards. 
Looking forward, we will be doing an Entered Apprentice degree at 6:00 PM before our next stated meeting on November 19.  That stated meeting is our annual meeting which means the election of officers and dues are due.  Come out and join us.  I am sure the stewards will have some delicious refreshments for us.

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